Office of International Administrative Support
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計畫目標 Missions

國際化行政資源International Administrative Resources
- 建立英語行政窗口Establishing the International Taskforce
- 提升國際知能訓練Training for Enhancing International Intelligence
境外學生學習支援Study Support for International Students
- 健全外生學習環境Creating a Sound Learning Environment for International Students
- 提升華語能力Enhancing Chinese Language Proficiency
外籍人員工作支持Work Support for International Faculty
- 支持外籍教研人員權益Supporting the Rights of International Academic Faculty
- 強化教學相關知能Enhancing Teaching-related Competence
外生畢業留臺工作Working in Taiwan
- 提供相關法規資訊Providing Related Regulations Information
- 辦理各項輔導活動Organizing Various Counseling Activities
辦公室成員 Members
Project Manager 計畫主持人
- Promoting cooperation with overseas partner universities, constructing an internationalized educational environment, and enhancing students' international experiences.
- Establishing the "Internationalization Administrative Support Office" and the "Specialized Service Window for International Faculty and Students", optimizing international human and administrative resources, strengthening support for Study Support for International Students, enhancing support for Work Support for International Faculty, and promoting counseling for overseas students to work in Taiwan after graduation.

Lifetime Distinguished Professor,
College of Veterinary Medicine
Tel: +886-4-22840206#46
Senior Advisor 資深顧問
Dr. Barbara Kloeckener-Gruissem has been living with her husband Dr. Wilhelm Gruissem in different countries. Barbara was born in Germany and obtained her PhD degree from the University of Colorado (USA) in 1985. She worked at the University of California at Berkeley (USA) until 2000 when she moved to Switzerland and worked at ETH and the University of Zurich from where she retired in 2017. She has been living in Taiwan since 2018. They have two adult children who were raised in California and Switzerland. Living abroad has widened her exposure to different cultures and languages and her appreciation of the support she received from various universities, both as student and scientist. Currently, she is coaching professors, staff, and students at National Chung Hsing University to improve their professional English conversation and publishing skills.

Project Assistant 計畫助理
- 文件雙語化、ASK NCHU雙語資訊平台維護- 國際師生諮詢服務
- 管理英語行政窗口
- 規劃英語培訓課程
- OIAS內部會議
- Facilitating bilingualization of internal documents and maintaining the ASK NCHU platform.
- Supporting international faculty and students.
- Coordinating with departmental English contact points to support campus bilingualization efforts.
- Organizing Staff English training to enhance international competences.
- Arranging OIAS meetings.

Project Assistant 計畫助理
- OIAS 行銷- 新進國際教職員服務
- 多元活動規劃
- 執行深耕計畫國際專章
- Managing OIAS marketing initiatives.
- Assisting new international faculty with onboarding and support, including guidance on administrative processes and campus resources.
- Organizing interdepartmental support activities and events.
- Drafting project details and implementing the International Chapter of the Higher Education Sprout Project.

Email: abby@email.nchu.edu.tw