
Reader Services-Reference service

The Reference desk provides library patrons with information about the library resources and services of the Library, whether via the Internet, telephone, email or in person. A “frequently asked questions” (FAQs) section is also available.

Reader Services-ULCCT

Current full-time employees and students of the University may apply for the interuniversity library service via the University Library Coalition of Central Taiwan (ULCCT). See the following notes for details.

Work Permit (for international faculty members)

Documents required to apply for a work permit: International faculty members should submit a headshot, valid passport, proof of their highest level of education, and copy of their letter of appointment (please print on both sides) and minutes of the University Faculty Evaluation Committee (all documents shall be submitted electronically in PDF format) to the Personnel Office for processing at least 10 days before the initial date of appointment.

Procedures for faculty appointments and promotions


  1. New faculty members:Depending on whether the new faculty member is hired to fill college-controlled quota or University-controlled quota, the competent college as well as the Office of Academic Affairs and Personnel Department will be notified of the appointment, with the former handling matters related to the external publications review. A letter of appointment will be issued following approval by all three levels of faculty evaluation committees. New faculty members must report to the University by the start of their first semester (i.e., by August 1 or February 1). The Personnel Department will request the issuance of a teaching certificate from the Ministry of Education at a later date.
  2. Faculty promotions:Faculty members seeking a promotion or change of appointment must submit an application for review by all three levels of faculty evaluation committees, which will issue the letter of appointment. The Personnel Department will request a teaching certificate from the Ministry of Education at a later date.

Procedures for reviewing qualifications of faculty

1. Review procedures:

1) New faculty appointments require passage by all three levels of faculty evaluation committees, after which the new faculty member may report for duty. Faculty promotions also require passage by all three levels of faculty evaluation committees.

2) Faculty members who do not possess a teaching certificate for their new faculty rank must fill out the necessary teacher qualification information on the Ministry of Education’s Higher Education Teacher Review System.

3) The Personnel Department will help ensure the accuracy of the submitted information and request a teaching certificate from the Ministry of Education.

2. Processing timeline:

1) New faculty members must be reported to the Ministry of Education for review within three months of initial appointment. Appointments of those who are approved will be made retroactively effective from the year and month indicated on their letter of appointment.

2) Promoted faculty members must be reported to the Ministry of Education for review within three months of the start of the semester. Appointments of those who are approved will be made retroactively effective from the start of the same semester.

Faculty Appointments (for project-based teachers)


  1. Full-time project researchers
  2. Full-time project teachers
  3. Full-time regular project teachers
  4. Full-time clinical project teachers

Appointments and submission of review:

1. The appointment, review, and promotion regulations for quota-based, full-time faculty members and researchers also apply to project teachers.

2. Project teachers who do not require a qualifications review and project researchers who do not require a promotion must undergo a review conducted by a Project-Based Faculty Member and Researcher Appointment Review Committee set up by the appointing unit before referral to the University President for appointment. The committee will have at least five members, with the unit director serving as convener and the remaining seats filled by associate professors (or professors of a higher rank) specializing in a related field of studies.


Reimbursements from the University are processed online. Users may log onto the online system through a web browser to handle matters related to procurement requests, reimbursement, procurement management, and budget inquiries. See below for more details:
1. Create an account: Log into the NCHU EZ-Come System > Online procurement requests > Check the functions you wish to enable > Automatic processing by the system > Procurement account created by the Office of Accounting.
2. Request a project number: You must request a project number in order to use any budget. All budget accounts are reserved for their intended use only and are identified by an internal project number. For example, NSTC project numbers are in the format of “111BXXXX”. Please have your project number ready when contacting the Office of Accounting in order to be referred to the competent case officer.
3. Procurement of property and reimbursement for travel expenses: NCHU Homepage > Office of Accounting website > Click on the application link (http://acc93.nchu.edu.tw/apswis_q/login_l_q.asp or http://acc95.nchu.edu.tw/apswis_q/login_l_q.asp ,for Academy of Circular Economy http://aceacc.nchu.edu.tw/APSWIS_Q/Login_L_Q.asp) > Log into the system with your credentials (your default password will be notified via email).
4. Print out the expenditure receipts form:
1) Prepare the form in the system, print it out, and attach invoices or receipts (original copies only) to the form.
2) The Division of Property Operation Management, General Affairs Office will be notified of procurements property and non-consumables. The NCHU Library will be notified of procurements of books. The Computer and Information Network Center will be notified of procurements of computer soft- and hardware. The Division of Procurement, General Affairs Office will be notified of centralized procurement cases.
3) Reimbursements with a value of NT$150,000 or less should be signed off on by the unit director, processed by the aforementioned units, and submitted to the Office of Accounting for approval. Cases with a value of over NT$150,000 must be approved by either the NCHU President or an authorized proxy.
5. Personnel salaries and subsidy filings: NCHU Homepage > Quick Links > Personal Income Reporting (via the NCHU Single Sign-On).

Sports Facilities

The NCHU Sports Facilities Management Regulations provide details (including application procedures and a fee schedule) for renting sports venues at the University (including the gym, sports field, rock-climbing wall, swimming pool, outdoor basketball courts, and outdoor volleyball courts) as well as usage guidelines and notices for each venue. The regulations also contain information on the available hours of all sports facilities during school semesters and summer/winter vacations.

NCHU Library

To support our faculty and students in teaching, research, and learning, the NCHU Library website offers a wide range of services, including resource inquiries, reader service, and the latest news. The Library currently has more than 2 million top-quality books, journals, and electronic/digital resources available for quick access by faculty members and students.

NCHU Press – Regulations and Application Guide

Founded in 2012, the National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) Press publishes works by NCHU faculty and students. By specializing in publishing academic monographs and scholarly journals, the NCHU Press promotes the production of scholarly works and strengthens the reputation of NCHU as a research university.