
Contracted Bilingual-friendly Hospitals and Clinics

In 2025, NCHU signed contracts with 36 designated medical institutions, including 10 hospitals and 26 clinics, to offer discounts on consultation registration fees and certain out-of-pocket medical expenses for our faculty and students.


※ Discounts will only be applied if the official student or faculty identification document is presented during the consultation.


※ All contracted hospitals and clinics are bilingual-friendly.


Updated Date 2025.02.12

Mandarin Post

Applying for an English Degree Diploma

After receiving the Chinese Degree Diploma, students who wish to obtain an English Degree Diploma should follow these steps:

1.Bring your passport along with you, pay a processing fee of NT$100 at the payment kiosk located outside the Registrar’s Office.

2.Present your passport to proceed with the application for the English Degree Diploma.

Student Safety Insurance (SSI)

It’s Students Safety Insurance. SSI is required as the basic insurance plan for all registered NCHU students. All NCHU degree-seeking students are required to enroll in the SSI plan every semester.

National Health Insurance (NHI)

Rights and Responsibilities for International Students(Foreigners) Joining the National Health Insurance (NHI).nProgram of the R.O.C.Foreigners with an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) who have resided in Taiwan for more than six months are required to enroll in the National Health Insurance (NHI) program. (Within the six months, if the applicant leaves Taiwan for 2 times and more, or the departure time is longer than 1 month, the period will be recalculated.)

Foreign Student Insurance (FSI)

It’s Foreign Student Insurance (International Students’ Group Medical Insurance). FSI is provided for the foreign students who are not eligible for National Health Insurance. A foreign student who does not have NHI is mandatory to enroll in the FSI plan, and the fee will be included in the tuition bill.

Digital Learning Resources Platform

The NCHU Library built the Digital Learning Resources Platform to satisfy readers’ desire to learn no matter the time or place. The Platform contains library guides, library resource utilization courses, database query instructions, lectures, and computer software courses.

Labor Health Examination

According to Article 17 of the ‘Rules of Labor Health Protection,’ employers shall provide regular general health examinations for their employees based on the following conditions:nAnnual health examinations for employees over the age of 65.nHealth examinations once every three years for employees between the ages of 40 and 65.nHealth examinations once every five years for employees under the age of 40.nEmployees in other age groups shall receive periodic health examinations.nFor example, a 30-year-old employee who received a new employee health examination in 2016 will be required to undergo another health examination in 2021.

Occupational Safety and Health Training Courses

An investigation into occupational accidents reveals that the majority (>80%) of accidents are caused by human error or unsafe behavior.nnThe most effective way to prevent such accidents is through labor safety and health training. This training helps promote safe working methods and correct hygiene practices, thereby preventing losses or injuries caused by occupational accidents.nnThe investigations into occupational accidents found that ‘man-caused factors’ are the major reasons behind these incidents. Approximately 80% of unsafe actions originate from human activities.nnThe prevention and control measures rely on the promotion of “labor occupational health and safety education and training.” This education and training help establish safe working methods and correct hygiene concepts for employees, effectively preventing losses and damages caused by occupational accidents.

Workplace Health Promotion for Pregnant Employees

Pursuant to Articles 30 and 31 of the ‘Occupational Safety and Health Act,’ employers are required to institute hazard assessments, controls, and hierarchy management measures for work that is potentially hazardous to maternal health. Violators are subject to a fine ranging from NT$30,000 to NT$300,000.nIn accordance with the law, NCHU shall implement maternal health protection measures for its employees. As a result, pregnant employees are granted priority usage of ‘maternity parking spaces’ painted in pink, along with a discount on vehicle parking fees.nEligibility: Female employees who are pregnant, who have given birth to a child in the most recent one-year period, or who are still breastfeeding.

Research Venue Operations Management System

To aid in the enforcement of the school-wide laboratory risk management system for better supervision and management of the occupational safety and health of personnel at on-campus research venues, faculty members are required to provide the following information through the Research Venue Operations Management System.nThe University’s research venues are divided into the following three levels pursuant to the Occupational Safety and Health Management Act:n1. Level 1: High-risk venues (The University currently has no Level 1 laboratories);n2. Level 2: Medium-risk venues (e.g., laboratories and other venues for experiments in the College of Science, College of Engineering, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, College of Life Sciences, and College of Veterinary Medicine);n3. Level 3: Low-risk venues (e.g., research rooms and offices in the College of Liberal Arts, College of Law and Politics, and College of Management).nTo ensure the compliance of research venues managed by venue representatives (faculty members) and the cooperation of personnel (faculty members, laborers, and/or students) with the applicable provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, please update the Research Venue Operations Management System with the following information to help the University better manage its research venues:n1) Basic information of the research venuen2) Identification of especially hazardous operationsn3) Personnel informationn4) Information on certified/licensed techniciansn5) Information on internal training proceduresn6) Information on chemicals used