
Emergency contact

The Office of Student Safety has dedicated staff on call 24/7/365 to assist students experiencing an emergency: (04) 22870885.

Rental Bulletins

    1. The rental information listed on the website (Mandarin only) is for students’ reference only and should not be construed as an endorsement by the University. Please inspect the property in person before renting.
    2. Landlords are prohibited from charging students a finder’s fee. To safeguard your rights, call 04-22840657 or visit the Office (2F, Hui-Sun Memorial Hall) in person if you are charged additional fees.

Updated Date 2025.02.17

Mandarin Post

Student dormitory

This section contains information on student dormitory located on the Main Campus and Nantou Campus, including room types and sizes, bedframe materials and dimensions, accommodation rates, available facilities, interior photos, and contact information for each dormitory.

 Physical Examination for Freshmen

1. All new students, regardless of their level of study, must undergo the new student health examination.

2. Examination method:

  (1) Students may accept the on-campus health examination service provided for all new students.

  (2) Alternatively, students may choose to undergo a health examination at an external medical institution if they are unable to attend the on-campus examination.

3. Other requirements:

  (1) Students who choose to have their health examinations performed elsewhere are required to pay for the cost out-of-pocket.

  (2) External health examination results are only valid if issued within the three months leading up to the new semester. Please download the Student Health Information Card from https://reurl.cc/2blLp6 and take it with you to the medical institution where the examination will be performed.


Updated Date 2025.02.17

Mandarin Post

Student Appeals

1. To safeguard students’ learning, living, and educational rights, and to ensure campus tranquility, the Student Appeal Review Committee has been established pursuant to the University’s Guidelines on Student Appeal Procedures to handle complaints filed by students.


2. Individual students, student associations, and other student self-governing bodies (hereinafter referred to as “complainant”) who believe that a punishment, administrative measure, or resolution issued by the University is unlawful and thus infringes their rights or interests may file a complaint with the Student Appeal Review Committee pursuant to the Guidelines on Student Appeal Procedures.


Updated Date 2025.02.24

Mandarin Post

Basic teaching hours

The weekly basic teaching hours for full-time faculty members of the University are as follows:n


  1. Full professors: 8 hours;
  2. n

  3. Associate professors: 9 hours;
  4. n

  5. Assistant professors: 9 hours;
  6. n

  7. Lecturers: 10 hours.
  8. n

Teaching Skills Development Workshop for New Faculty Members

1. New faculty members shall complete the following requirements within four semesters after their arrival at the post:n


  • Participating in and obtaining the certificate for 12 sessions of Office of Academic Affairs-approved teaching skills courses
  • n

  • Obtaining the certificate for an Office of Academic Affairs-approved online teaching skill workshop for EMI courses
  • n

n2. Under the following circumstance, new faculty members may be granted to waive the above requirements by submitting an application together with the necessary supporting documents to the Office of Academic Affairs for approval:n


  • The faculty member is unable to participate in courses/workshops conducted in Chinese.
  • n

  • The faculty member has already completed other equivalent EMI workshops.
  • n

  • The faculty member has the equivalent teaching experience.
  • n

  • The faculty member has other extraordinary achievements or can demonstrate sufficient grounds for exemption.
  • n

An Introduction to NCHU

When it was first established in 1919, National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) only had one department—the Department of Agroforestry. Since that time, it has become one of Taiwan’s most long-standing comprehensive research universities and the third largest national university on the island, with 12 colleges spanning the fields of the humanities and social sciences, science and technology, agriculture and medicine. Today, NCHU is continuing to build on its rich history as an educational institution by developing programs that equip students with a strong competitive advantage, with the ultimate goal of becoming a world-class comprehensive research university with far-reaching influence.

History of NCHU

Founded in 1919 as the Government-General of Taiwan’s Advanced Academy of Agronomy and Forestry, NCHU attained its present form in 1971 following numerous school mergers and name changes. As of 2022, the University has 12 colleges of Liberal Arts, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Science, Engineering, Life Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Management, Law and Politics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Medicine, Academy of Circular Economy and Innovation and Industry Liaison. With more than a century of history, NCHU is one of the most long-standing higher education institutions in Taiwan.

Academic Calendar

Here you will find the NCHU academic calendar for the current academic year.