Office of Academic Affairs

Applying for an English Degree Diploma

After receiving the Chinese Degree Diploma, students who wish to obtain an English Degree Diploma should follow these steps:

1.Bring your passport along with you, pay a processing fee of NT$100 at the payment kiosk located outside the Registrar’s Office.

2.Present your passport to proceed with the application for the English Degree Diploma.


iLearning Digital Learning Platform

Course Selection Guide

Students must log into the Academic Affairs system to browse, select, add/drop (with authorization), deregister, or withdraw from courses on a semesterly basis. We are currently in the process of translating the system interface and the course selection guide into English to allow international students to select, add/drop, deregister, or withdraw from courses without any assistance from local counterparts.

Online Course Selection

We are currently in the process of translating the Academic Affairs System’s user interface into English so that international students will be able to use the course inquiry, course selection, add/drop, deregisration, and withdrawal functions during the course add-drop period, and will be able to select their desired courses anywhere in the world without difficulty.

Teaching Evaluation

The teaching evaluation survey allows teachers to better understand their students’ progress and provides a feedback mechanism for the improvement of overall teaching quality.

Student Assessment

Please upload students’ grades here. A user guide and the applicable regulations are provided for reference.

Subsidies for All-English Courses and Programs

As part of its globalization initiative to attract more international students and help students cultivate an international perspective, NCHU provides subsidies to encourage academic units to offer all-English courses and programs.Applicable to:nn1. Fully English-taught degree programs, departments, and graduate institutesnn2. Fully English-taught credit programsnn3. English-taught core subject courses and general education courses offered to students in fully English-taught programsnn4. English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP), English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP), and English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) courses that meet the NCHU Standards for the Recognition of English-Taught Coursesnn5. Fully English-taught subject groups approved by a task force composed of the Vice President for International Affairs (convener), Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the dean of each college

Teaching Assistants for University and College level Courses

To improve teaching quality, motivate students, and cultivate outstanding teaching assistants, NCHU offers funding for TAs in University-level general education courses and college-level (including inter-college) general core courses for undergraduate programs. The roles of the TAs include leading group discussions, explaining how to solve practice problems and conducting experiments. Each semester, NCHU selects the best TAs from the university and college level courses and awards them for outstanding performance.