Office of Research and Development

Academic Ethics

1. Target:nn1) Full-time faculty members and research fellows must complete six hours of academic ethics training during their term of employment. Newly appointed personnel must complete training within one year of reporting for duty.nn2) Part-time faculty members and full- and part-time research fellows must provide proof of at least six hours of training at the time of their appointment.nn3) Personnel not described above who are part of an NCHU research project must provide proof of at least six hours of training at the time of their appointment or the commencement of the project.nn2. Recognized academic ethics training courses:nn1) Courses offered by the Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Educationnn2) Academic research ethics courses offered by the Universitynn3) Academic research ethics courses offered by regional learning resource centersnn4) Epigeum–Research Integrity and CITI Program coursesnn5) Other academic research ethics courses approved by the UniversitynnFor items 2) to 5) above, a certificate of completion issued by the organizing institution is required.

NCHU-Funded Grants:Book and Instrument Grant

1. In principle, each full-time faculty member of the University may receive the grant up to three times in their first 10 years of employment.nn2. This grant is intended only for the procurement of instruments, books, and electronic resources. faculty member must first attempt to secure funding from external sources (such as the Ministry of Education, National Science and Technology Council, Council of Agriculture, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Economic Affairs) before they apply for this grant.nn3. In principle, faculty member that have requested full funding from external agencies but are subsequently granted only partial funding will be given priority. The grant amount may not exceed NT$500,000 or the amount of funding provided by the external agency, whichever is smaller.

NCHU-Funded Grants:Academic Development Grant

1. Pursuant to the NCHU Directives for the Management of Revenues and Expenditures from Industry-Academia Collaboration Projects, the purpose of this grant is to enhance the quality of research and the University’s general development.nn2. The following units and individuals are eligible for the grant:nn1) NCHU units organizing an international or national scholarly conferencenn2) Organizers of scholarly activities that are attended by NCHU faculty members and students and/or individuals not affiliated with the Universitynn3) International experts/scholars who are engaged in academic research at the Universitynn4) NCHU faculty members whose papers are accepted by a scholarly journalnn5) NCHU faculty members and students who are going abroad to present research findings, give lectures, or participate in academic exchangesnn6) Organizers of training workshops for faculty members and students from NCHU and foreign academic institutions

NCHU-Funded Grants:Outstanding Academic Performance Grant

1. Eligibility: NCHU faculty members who have had their writings (including papers in SCIE-/SSCI-/A&HCI-indexed journals and academic books and book chapters) officially published or cited in the previous calendar year are eligible to apply.nn2. Application deadline: Around March each year; exact dates to be announced by the Office of Research and Development.nn3. Application method: Please fill out the online application form on the NCHU R&D Portal, print out the application form, have it signed by your supervisor, and submit it to the Academic Development Division, Office of Research and Development.nn4. Results will be announced following a review process in June.

NCHU Intranet: R&D Portal

1. Introduction: To access the R&D portal, sign in with your credentials via the NCHU Single Sign-On Service.nn1) The NCHU R&D portal is designed to provide a comprehensive record of faculty members’ research, teaching, and service achievements and to facilitate the faculty evaluation process by enabling real-time access to detailed faculty profiles.nn2) The portal is intended to integrate faculty members’ academic and research achievements with the University’s academic development plans.nn3) Faculty members can export their research portfolio directly from the portal.nn4) Academic units can export accurate performance statistics from the portal if their faculty profiles are complete.nn5) Applications for academic research performance incentives and grants must be submitted through the portal.nn2. First-time users of the portal are required to select their field of expertise on the “profile maintenance” page before being allowed access to the portal.nn3. We recommend using Google Chrome to access the portal. Navigate to the NCHU homepage, click or tap on “Single Sign On” from the menu bar, log in with your credentials, and select “R&D Portal.”

University-funded subsidies—NCHU Subsidies for Faculty Members and Postdoctoral Researchers Attending International Scholarly Conferences



  1. Faculty members (including researchers) working at the University
  2. n

  3. Postdoctoral researchers
  4. n



  • Online application documents include but are not limited to the following:
  • n



  1. An application form
  2. n

  3. Proof of paper acceptance
  4. n

  5. Abstract of the accepted paper
  6. n



  • Applicants must submit their application by the deadline closest to (prior to) their departure (by the first day of either March, June, September, or December each year).
  • n

  • Only keynote speakers, invited speakers, or those performing other important tasks or presenting a paper at a conference are eligible to apply. In principle, eligible papers must be published under the auspices of NCHU and be primarily about research activities conducted at the University.
  • n

  • The subsidy covers flights and conference registration and is limited to the following amounts: NT$45,000 for conferences in Europe, Africa, or the Americas; NT$30,000 in Oceania, and NT$20,000 in Asia.
  • n

  • Each person may receive one subsidy per fiscal year.
  • n

  • Attendees of gender studies conferences and those serving in crucial roles at a conference may be granted an exemption from the preceding limitation. However, only airfare will be subsidized from the second conference onwards.
  • n

  • Please first write off any remaining balance of a project’s international travel expense account or apply for external funding before applying with the University.
  • n

  • Conferences held in Taiwan, Hong Kong, or mainland China by non-international organizations are ineligible.
  • n

University-funded subsidies—NCHU Subsidies for Graduate Students Attending International Scholarly Conferences

Current doctoral and master’s degree students of the University are eligible to apply:n


  • Online application documents include but are not limited to the following:
  • n



  1. An application form
  2. n

  3. Proof of paper acceptance
  4. n

  5. Abstract of the accepted paper
  6. n

  7. A copy of the official letter of approval issued by the external sponsoring organization
  8. n



  • Applicants must submit their application by the first deadline following their receipt of the official letter of approval issued by the external sponsoring organization (the first day of either March, June, September, or December 1 each year).
  • n

  • The subsidy is limited to one person per paper (whether presented orally or in the form of a poster).
  • n

  • The subsidy covers flights and conference registration and is limited to the following amounts: NT$10,000 for conferences held in Asia or NT$20,000 for all other continents.
  • n

  • Each person may receive one subsidy per fiscal year.
  • n

  • Please apply for external funding before applying with the University.
  • n

  • Only conferences held by international organization outside of Taiwan are eligible. International conferences held by organizations based in mainland China, Hong Kong, or Macau are ineligible.
  • n

Externally-funded research projects—NSTC Subsidy Program for Graduate Students Attending International Scholarly Conferences

Doctoral and master’s degree students studying at the University (excluding in-service programs) are eligible to apply:n


  • Online application documents include but are not limited to the following:
  • n



  1. An application form
  2. n

  3. Proof of paper acceptance
  4. n

  5. Abstract of the accepted paper
  6. n

  7. A letter of recommendation signed by the advisor (please indicate the applicant’s foreign language proficiency)
  8. n



  • Applicants must submit their application by 3 p.m. on the first day of the month preceding the start of the conference. The University will compile submitted applications and forward them to the NSTC by 5 p.m. on the same day.
  • n

  • The subsidy is limited to one person per paper (whether presented orally or in the form of a poster).
  • n

  • The subsidy covers flights and conference registration.n- Subsidies must only be used for their designated purposes. Except in the event of revocation, requests for changes must be made via the online system prior to the conference and will only become effective upon approval by the NSTC.
  • n

  • Conferences held in mainland China must be organized by an international academic organization (or chiefly organized by an international academic organization and co-organized by mainland China).
  • n

  • Each person may receive one subsidy per fiscal year. Those who have already received a subsidy may not apply for any other further international conference subsidies as a graduate student or otherwise in the same academic year.
  • n

  • Subsidy recipients must submit a conference report and account settlement form to the NSTC’s system within 15 days of the conference’s conclusion in order to file for reimbursement.
  • n

Externally-funded research projects—NSTC research projects

1.  All principal investigators and co-investigators must be quota-based, full-time personnel of the University.nn2. The three types of research projects are as follows:n


  • General research projects: The application period is in November–December each year. Exact dates will be announced by the NSTC.
  • n

  • New personnel research projects: Projects led by a domestic/international teacher or researcher who has fewer than five years of teaching/research experience or who has graduated with a doctoral degree in the past five years are eligible. Applications for such projects should be made upon the initial appointment date or within three years of the conferral of the doctoral degree and will be reviewed on an ad hoc basis. Limit one project per person.
  • n

  • Call-for-proposal projects: Please refer to announcements made by the NSTC.
  • n

n3. Virement under an same approved budget may be processed in accordance with applicable regulations based on actual needs.nn4. All principal investigators and researchers must complete at least six hours of academic ethics training.

Externally-funded research projects—NSTC Visiting Personnel Recruitment Project

Applicants must be teaching/research staff or first-level administrators at the University (including principal investigators of NSTC-funded projects).n


  • The three types of recipients are:
  • n



  1. Chair professors: Including Distinguished Chair Professors and Chair Professors (limited to international science and technology personnel)
  2. n

  3. Visiting scholars (limited to international science and technology personnel)
  4. n

  5. Doctoral level researchers: Exceptional domestic or international science and technology personnel holding a doctoral degree
  6. n



  • Application time frame: Applications are reviewed as they are received, but should be submitted one month before the initial date of appointment.
  • n

  • Application method: Please apply online via the NSTC’s Academic Research and Development Service Portal.
  • n



  1. Chair professors and visiting personnel: Recommended by the University following an internal review and approval process
  2. n

  3. Doctoral level researchers:
  4. n

n1) Those participating in an NSTC project: Applications may be submitted together with the NSTC project application, or separately following approval of the NSTC project.nn2) Those participating in an NCHU self-funded project or in charge of technology management: Applications may be submitted separately to the NSTC.n


  • Funding period:
  • n



  1. Chair professors: 1 month–1 year per term
  2. n

  3. Visiting personnel: 3 months–1 year per term
  4. n

  5. Doctoral level researchers: 3 months–1 year per term
  6. n



  • Funding items: Teaching and research expenses, airline tickets, insurance premiums, salary subsidies, labor insurance, separation pension, and R&D fees.
  • n

  • Case conclusion and account settlement:
  • n



  1. Applicants shall upload a work report to the NSTC system within two months of the project’s conclusion.
  2. n

  3. The University shall process the final account settlement with the NSTC within three months of the conclusion of the project.
  4. n