
Life at NCHU (Introduction to NCHU Student Clubs)

The student clubs and autonomous organizations of our school are divided into nine categories: autonomous, musical, technical, academic, artistic, religious, sports, service and fellowship. There are a total of 90 formal clubs ,48 autonomous organizations and 7 preparatory clubs in the 113 academic year.

Class Counseling Service

1. Introduction:

Each counseling session is led by a professional counselor who guides participants to better understand themselves and their ideas, thoughts, and attitudes towards life through a series of explorative, topic-based activities. If you and your classmates are interested, you can sign up for a session or ask your academic advisor to do it for you.

2. Application procedures:

1) Download the application form from the Health and Counseling Center website.

2) Email the completed form to

3) Applications must be submitted at least 20 days in advance. A staff member will call or email you within 3 business days of receiving your application to confirm the details of the appointment.

4) Three days prior to the appointment, the staff member will call you again to confirm the contents of the counseling session and the necessary preparations on your part.

5) After the counseling session, participants are required to fill out a feedback questionnaire.

NCHU Single Sign-on (SSO)

The University offers single sign-on (SSO) service to allow for easy access to important online resources without requiring separate authentication. Users only need to remember one set of login credentials to access all online services.

Art Center

The NCHU Art Center organizes art exhibitions and cultural exchanges, assists in the beautification of the campus, and works to improve faculty and students’ appreciation of art and strengthen their aesthetic education. The Center invites well-known local and international artists to hold exhibitions at the University after recommendation and approval by a consulting and review committee composed of experts and scholars. Each exhibition usually lasts about a month, and an average of eight art exhibitions are planned every year. The Center also organizes activities, international exchanges, lectures, presentations, symposiums, workshops, and other art and cultural events in conjunction with university campaigns. Additionally, the Center has a well-equipped curation room with a collection of over 1500 artworks, and publishes collection catalogues as a medium to promote cultural exchange.

Waste Disposal and Recycling

General waste disposal: General waste (including kitchen waste) is collected by campus garbage trucks at fixed locations between 8:20–10:35 a.m. every business day.

* Note: Please store general waste in transparent plastic bags only.

Recycling: Recyclable materials are collected by recycling trucks at fixed locations between 8:20–10:35 a.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays.

On Tuesday: Paper lunch boxes and non-paper materials (including iron cans, aluminum cans, plastic bottles, plastic containers, and recyclable plastic products)

On Friday: Paper lunch boxes and other paper materials

*Paper lunch boxes must be properly cleaned before disposal to ensure that no leftovers remain.

Chinese Language Courses

Practical Chinese credit courses are designed to improve students’ Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing proficiency in a comprehensive manner. This series of courses is divided into four levels, each worth three credits (three hours per week). The courses are intended for international students and exchange students at the University whose mother tongue is not Mandarin Chinese.

Campus Network

Devices must be assigned a fixed IP address to access the campus network.

Please contact the network administrator at your department office to request an IP address, and please abide by the Campus Network Usage Guidelines.

Google for Education

Faculty members and students can access the Google for Education service, which includes Gmail, Google Drive, and other useful applications. Please note that Gmail accounts are NOT considered official NCHU accounts. Internal messages will be sent to your and accounts only. Pursuant to the Ministry of Education’s Education Email Service and Safety Management Guidelines, public and important official matters must be communicated via official, school-issued email accounts.

Campus Software Services

The Computer and Information Network Center procures software and updates based on the needs of the University on an annual basis.

Unless otherwise noted, software licenses are valid on NCHU campuses only.

Please follow the terms and conditions of software licenses and respect intellectual property rights.