
Rental Bulletins

    1. The rental information listed on the website (Mandarin only) is for students’ reference only and should not be construed as an endorsement by the University. Please inspect the property in person before renting.
    2. Landlords are prohibited from charging students a finder’s fee. To safeguard your rights, call 04-22840657 or visit the Office (2F, Hui-Sun Memorial Hall) in person if you are charged additional fees.

Updated Date 2025.02.17

Mandarin Post

Student dormitory

This section contains information on student dormitory located on the Main Campus and Nantou Campus, including room types and sizes, bedframe materials and dimensions, accommodation rates, available facilities, interior photos, and contact information for each dormitory.

Student Counseling

1. Service introduction: International students who encounter difficulty adjusting to life in Taiwan, emotional distress, or interpersonal relationship issues may apply for counseling online, and the University will arrange counseling sessions with a therapist.

2. Method of application:

    (1) All sessions for personal psychological counseling must be arranged in advance through appointments. Please login to “NCHU single sign-on system” → “All Application Entry” → “Psychological Counseling system” to apply for counseling services.

※P.S. Should you’re facing difficulties scheduling an appointment online, you can alternatively call the Center at 04-22840241 ext. 39 during business hours or visit the Center directly to arrange an appointment.

   (2) Notification of appointment time: The Center will pair you with a suitable psychologist (therapist) based on your consultation preferences and preferred meeting schedule. Once a suitable psychologist (therapist) is found, you will receive a notification via text message and E-mail. We appreciate your patience during this process. 

   (3) Number of sessions: Each semester, students can book up to two treatment courses, with each course consisting of six weekly sessions lasting 50 minutes.

   (4) Fees: Unless otherwise stipulated, the Center’s counseling services are provided to University students free of charge.

   (5) Confidentiality: The Center and its counselors will keep your information strictly confidential, except in circumstances of imminent danger posed to the lives of the students themselves or to others that necessitate a mandatory report according to the law.

   (6) Safety: For the safety of all parties involved, dangerous objects are prohibited in the counseling space.


Updated Date 2025.02.17

Mandarin Post

An Introduction to NCHU

When it was first established in 1919, National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) only had one department—the Department of Agroforestry. Since that time, it has become one of Taiwan’s most long-standing comprehensive research universities and the third largest national university on the island, with 12 colleges spanning the fields of the humanities and social sciences, science and technology, agriculture and medicine. Today, NCHU is continuing to build on its rich history as an educational institution by developing programs that equip students with a strong competitive advantage, with the ultimate goal of becoming a world-class comprehensive research university with far-reaching influence.

History of NCHU

Founded in 1919 as the Government-General of Taiwan’s Advanced Academy of Agronomy and Forestry, NCHU attained its present form in 1971 following numerous school mergers and name changes. As of 2022, the University has 12 colleges of Liberal Arts, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Science, Engineering, Life Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Management, Law and Politics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Medicine, Academy of Circular Economy and Innovation and Industry Liaison. With more than a century of history, NCHU is one of the most long-standing higher education institutions in Taiwan.

Academic Calendar

Here you will find the NCHU academic calendar for the current academic year.