[Student Testimonials] My Weekend in Taichung
Dong Thi Bich Tien from Vietnam, Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering

Dong Thi Bich Tien from Vietnam, Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering
Janith C. Wijesinghe from Sri Lanka, Department of Applied Mathematics, College of Science
nSunil Khayamali from Nepal, International Doctoral Program in Agriculture, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Nguyen Thi Huong Giang from Vietnam, Department of Marketing, College of Management
Edwinnata from Indonesia, International Master Program of Agriculture, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
nnnPerizat Zhusueva from Kyrgyzstan , International Bachelor Program of Agribusiness, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Chen Ai Sin from Vietnam, Department of Marketing, College of Management