
Course selection notices

A course selection notice shall be published each semester with instructions for online preliminary course selection, the online course add/drop period, course selection with instructor’s authorization, and the course withdrawal deadline, including course selection requirements, other important notices, and official contact information (including telephone extensions) for questions and inquiries.

General education (undergraduate programs)

The curriculum framework for and related information on general education courses can be found on the General Education Center’s webpage under the Course Announcement section.

General Education—Information Literacy: Computer Programming and its Applications (undergraduate programs)

Beginning in Academic Year 2019–20, Information Literacy: Computer Programming and its Applications is now a compulsory general education course for all students except international students and continuing education undergraduate students. Please visit the General Education webpage for a list of departments that are exempt from the course. All freshmen at the University will automatically be pre-enrolled in the course. The course is conducted in two sessions, with the first taking place in the first nine weeks of the semester and the second in the last nine weeks.

Sexual harassment complaints

NCHU students who encounter sexual molestation, harassment, or bullying on campus may file a complaint with the University or request legal consultation and counseling.

Campus bullying complaints

1. “Campus bullying” refers to any type of bullying behavior imposed on students of the University on or off campus by any faculty member, employee, contract worker, or student, regardless of their affiliation with NCHU.nn2. Elements that constitute campus bullying:n


  • Behavior that disadvantages the victim
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  • Intent to harm the victim
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  • Causing physical or emotional damage to the victim
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  • Unequal power relations existing between the imposer and the victim.
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  • Other incidents deemed as bullying by the Campus Bullying Response Group.
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n3. The Ministry of Education Anti-Bullying Hotline (1953) has specialists online 24/7 to offer counseling and bullying reporting services.

Medical Consultation


  1. To provide faculty, staff, and students with comprehensive medical consultation services, NCHU has appointed five of the directors and attending physicians employed by its affiliated teaching hospital to each offer a session of professional medical consultation one day per week.
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  3. Click the link below to see a schedule of available medical consultation sessions.
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  5. Pursuant to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, campus physicians may only provide medical consultation and will not be able to prescribe any oral or external medications.
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Fraud prevention


  1. When receiving a suspicious phone call, remember the “hear, hang up, and verify” principle. Hang up the phone immediately if you hear something suspicious, and call the 165 Fraud Prevention Hotline for verification. Do not transfer any money at a bank or ATM to avoid being scammed.
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  3. Fraud prevention: Please add Trend Micro Fraud Prevention Pro as a friend on LINE, install the Trend Micro Check browser extension, turn off iMessage when not in use, and keep the 3C (calm-check-call) principle in mind.
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  5. What to do if you have been scammed: Collect the necessary supporting documents and file a police report at the local police station or via the National Police Agency website, through which you may follow up on updates to your case.
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Emergency contact

The Office of Student Safety has dedicated staff on call 24/7/365 to assist students experiencing an emergency: (04) 22870885.

Rental Bulletins


  1. The rental information listed here is for students’ reference only and should not be construed as an endorsement by the University. Please inspect the property in person before renting.
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  3. Landlords are prohibited from charging students a finder’s fee. To safeguard your rights, call 04-22870885 or visit the Office (2F, Hui-Sun Memorial Hall) in person if you are charged additional fees.
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