
NCHU Library Resources—ORCID

For researchers, it is always crucial to make sure that all their academic research work and outcomes are properly connected. ORCID is the key to solving authorship identification issues and ensuring that all of a researcher’s works are connected to themselves.

NCHU Library—NCHU Collection

As part of NCHU’s 100th Anniversary, the area in front of the 1F copy room was remodeled into the NCHU Collection, which showcases around 1,500 works by NCHU faculty members as a means of demonstrating the University’s academic influence and the efforts of university faculty to pursue the advancement of research and knowledge. The official opening ceremony of the “NCHU Collection” was held on November 28, 2019.

NCHU Library—Book Donations

The library processes book donations according to the “The National Chung Hsing University Library Guidelines for Donating Library Materials”.

Donors are asked to fill out the National Chung Hsing University Library Donated Library Materials Processing Form and List of Donated Library Materials and e-mail them to Alternatively, donors may hand copy of each form to staff at the Circulation Desk.

NCHU Library—Courses and Resources

Eager to learn more about the resources and services available at the NCHU Library? Looking to improve your research skills? If so, you may want to explore the following options:

– Take a self-learning course online

– Sign up for a mini-instruction course

– Sign up for the library instruction courses

– Faculty can request Library Instruction for their classes

International Admissions

NCHU offers a variety of fully English-taught programs and 100+ degree programs (including undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs) for international students who wish to study in Taiwan. Application procedures, tuition standards, and available programs vary depending on student status. If you are interested in any of NCHU’s international degree programs, please visit the Office of International Affairs website for more details, including application deadlines, eligibility, tuition and fees, accommodations, and information on how to apply.

Scholarships for International Students

The Taiwanese Government offers a variety of scholarships for international students. Please direct your inquiries to the Taiwan consular office in your home country. The University offers the NCHU International Scholarship, a one-year scholarship available to both new and current students. Semesterly teaching assistant stipends are also available to graduate students who serve concurrently as teaching assistants.

Student Visas

International students must obtain an alien resident visa at the Taiwan consular office in your home country before entering Taiwan. You must then apply for an alien resident certificate (ARC) on the (Ministry of the Interior) National Immigration Agency website within 15 days of your arrival. Regular international students should be able to obtain an ARC that is valid for anywhere from 1 to 3 years, which may be renewed upon expiry.

Work Permit (for international students)

International students who wish to work in Taiwan (including in NCHU laboratories) for additional income must apply for a work permit. Once all tuition and fees are paid for the semester, students may apply online for a work permit valid for 6 months. Each student may work up to 20 hours per week (excluding summer/winter vacation). Violators’ permits will be revoked.

Sports Facilities

The NCHU Sports Facilities Management Regulations provide details (including application procedures and a fee schedule) for renting sports venues at the University (including the gym, sports field, rock-climbing wall, swimming pool, outdoor basketball courts, and outdoor volleyball courts) as well as usage guidelines and notices for each venue. The regulations also contain information on the available hours of all sports facilities during school semesters and summer/winter vacations.