Study Experiences

[Student Testimonials] A Journey of Growth and Discovery: My Experience at NCHU

“I strongly recommend others to consider NCHU for their academic journey. The university not only provides quality education but also offers unforgettable life experiences. NCHU prioritizes cultivating students’ comprehensive qualities, laying a solid foundation for their future endeavors.”  Read More

Qaiser Abbas from Pakistan, Graduate Institute of Precision Engineering, College of Engineering

[Student Testimonials] My Experience and skill development in the field of Quantum Physics

“NCHU has state of-the-art facilities in Quantum technology. The laboratory provides an excellent opportunity to study intriguing physics close to the absolute zero temperature. It’s an incredible experience for me to work towards a next-generation technology which is Quantum computing. I highly recommend students to choose NCHU for their higher studies. Life here is absolutely great.” Read More

Raveendharan Sundaram from India, Department of Physics, College of Science

[Student Testimonials] Embracing Excellence

“Here, innovation meets tradition, and diversity is not just accepted but celebrated. The university’s relentless support for research and its robust network of global partnerships offer a world of opportunities for scholars to flourish. NCHU is a place where one’s passion for learning and making a difference in the world can find fertile ground.”  Read More

Vo Nguyen Thi Minh Trang from Vietnam, Department of Applied Economics, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

[Student Testimonials] A Home away from Home-My Journey in Taiwan and NCHU Bonds

“What distinguishes NCHU apart as the perfect institution for my doctoral studies is its inclusive and globally oriented environment. Moreover, the NCHU staff not only helps with academic needs but also provides strong support and encouragement. This creates a caring environment that helps students develop in various aspects.”  Read More

Sankar Panthi from Nepal, Doctoral Program in Medical Biotechnology, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

[Student Testimonials] Empowering Excellence

“Beginning as a master’s student in 2019 and seamlessly transitioning into a PhD program under the guidance of a dedicated supervisor, I have experienced immense personal and academic growth.” Read More

Eranda Dhananjaya from Sri Lanka, Department of Applied Mathematics, College of Science

[Student Testimonials] Sharing from a “Different” Student

Initially, I chose to come to Taiwan because it offers a Veterinary Medicine program recognized by the Malaysian government. However, upon arriving in this land, I deeply fell in love with Taiwan’s warm hospitality and stunning scenery. The convenient transportation system in Taiwan also allows me to explore and travel around after classes.” Read More

Lim Zi-Yi from Malaysia, Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine

[Student Testimonials] Chasing dreams

“I recommend studying at NCHU because you will be able to learn from many different fields. If you are proactively signing up, there’s always something for you to learn.”  Read More

Lim Li Xin from Malaysia, Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine

[Student Testimonials] From Chiang Mai to Taichung with a wonderful experience in NCHU.

“NCHU has given me numerous opportunities for personal growth and development. As an international student, I would say that I love the Office of International Affairs (OIA) very much. OIA always made me feel at home. I can come to OIA whenever I need help; they are always kind to me and international students.”  Read More

Penpitcha Supapaiboonkit from Thailand, Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

[Student Testimonials] Taichung memories: Grow together in NCHU

“Ultimately, enrolling in NCHU has been a decision I am immensely thankful for. The privilege of pursuing a quality education here is something I deeply appreciate, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to continue my higher education in such an esteemed institute.” Read More

Katarina from Indonesia, Graduate Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics, College of Life Sciences