Academic Ethics

1. Target:

1) Full-time faculty members and research fellows must complete six hours of academic ethics training during their term of employment. Newly appointed personnel must complete training within one year of reporting for duty.

2) Part-time faculty members and full- and part-time research fellows must provide proof of at least six hours of training at the time of their appointment.

3) Personnel not described above who are part of an NCHU research project must provide proof of at least six hours of training at the time of their appointment or the commencement of the project.

2. Recognized academic ethics training courses:

1) Courses offered by the Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education

2) Academic research ethics courses offered by the University

3) Academic research ethics courses offered by regional learning resource centers

4) Epigeum–Research Integrity and CITI Program courses

5) Other academic research ethics courses approved by the University

For items 2) to 5) above, a certificate of completion issued by the organizing institution is required.

Tags: Faculty, Full-time, Office of Research and Development, Post-doc, Research
Categories: Research, Research and Development