Procedures for faculty appointments and promotions



  1. New faculty members:Depending on whether the new faculty member is hired to fill college-controlled quota or University-controlled quota, the competent college as well as the Office of Academic Affairs and Personnel Department will be notified of the appointment, with the former handling matters related to the external publications review. A letter of appointment will be issued following approval by all three levels of faculty evaluation committees. New faculty members must report to the University by the start of their first semester (i.e., by August 1 or February 1). The Personnel Department will request the issuance of a teaching certificate from the Ministry of Education at a later date.
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  3. Faculty promotions:Faculty members seeking a promotion or change of appointment must submit an application for review by all three levels of faculty evaluation committees, which will issue the letter of appointment. The Personnel Department will request a teaching certificate from the Ministry of Education at a later date.
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Tags: Appointments, Faculty, Full-time, Personnel Office, Promotions
Categories: Appointments, Personnel Related Services and Benefits, Promotions