春季大掃除 Spring Cleaning


行政大樓 國際事務處 將於以下時間進行辦公室大掃除,期間暫停辦理各項服務。

114年1月23日(星期四)15:00~17:00 (國際化行政支持辦公室)

114年2月3日(星期一)13:00~15:00 (處本部、外籍與大陸學生事務組、學術交流組、資訊與創新組)

114年2月6日(星期四)10:00~12:00 (國際教育組)


Dear all:

Office of International Affairs of the Administration Building will be out of service during the following hours due to the spring cleaning!

Office on the 1st floor: January 23, Thursday 15:00~17:00
OIAS(Office of International Administrative Support)

Office on the 3rd floor: February 3, Monday 13:00~15:00
(Including: Division of Academic Exchange, Division of Foreign Student Affairs, Division of Technology and Innovation)

Office on the 4th floor: February 6, Tuesday 10:00~12:00
(Including: Division of International Education, International Teacher and Student Service Counter )

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.





一、    爰校長自上任以來積極推動雙語化校園,並強化對外籍師生之優質服務。112學年度已初步完成「行政單位」相關文件盤點及雙語化,113學年度將以「教學單位」為推動主要對象。

二、    本次文件雙語化盤點規劃如下:
(一)    對象:本校12個學院(不含創產學院)及其所屬二級單位(系、所、學程等)、及有英語行政窗口之行政單位(教務處、學務處、國際處、人事室)。
(二)    盤點範圍:與國際師生相關之文件(表格、流程、網站、法規等)。
(三)    盤點回報方式、頻率、欄位、常見問題等,請點此連結下載

三、    各二級單位(系、所、學程等):請於113年10月31日前完成首次盤點(填入雲端系統),並逕行列印後於空白處請主管核章(範例如下)、於113年11月1日前送「國際化行政辦公室」(行政大樓一樓課務組旁)留存。



張梓淇 (KiKi)
Email: tcchang@email.nchu.edu.tw
Tel: +886-4-22840206#48

Email: claireliao@nchu.edu.tw
Tel: +886-4-22840206#21





十八年成人英語教學經驗,多益聽讀四次滿分,全民英檢高級複試兩次通過 (說寫皆拿到該測驗最高四級分,並於 2016 獲得高級優秀作文獎,該年該級全國只有六人獲獎),IELTs overall 8.0,TOEFL iBT 113,中興大學語言中心兼任講師,曾旅居美國,對英美歷史/文化有深入研究,專精英語語調與口說訓練,深刻了解台灣英語學習者盲點與瓶頸。熱愛電影,音樂,設計師傢俱。


(I) 聽力面向:  Robert老師除了用真實錄音檔說明國籍口音特徵之外,也會每週指定一部 Youtube 影片讓學員回家聽,上課時再上台做 VR 演練 (video relay 模仿影片內容)。

(II)口說面向: Robert老師每堂課會錄辣椒單字 (精選高泛用性並道地的表達法並附例句,讓你不再心裡順著中文直翻) 並把音檔上傳到 Google Drive 後共享讓學員回家聽之後內化,下次上課時學員再分組角色扮演練習依情境快速套用。

(III)語調面向: 說英語時語調道地就先贏了一半! Robert老師會擷取 American Accent Training 這本語調聖經的精華,把語調規則音樂化,學員一樣要演練精熟後錄下自己的發音上傳 Google Drive 分享。


課程日期: 1/19、1/26、2/16、2/23、3/1、3/15,皆為星期五


上課地點: 本校綜合大樓

報名截止日期: 2024/1/16







協辦單位: 語言中心、國際事務處

興大「國際行政支持辦公室」正式揭牌運作 服務國際師生再升級National Chung Hsing University Officially Launches the Office of International Administrative Support to Upgrade Services for International Faculty and Students(2024.2.1)

為推動國際化並創造友善雙語校園環境,興大歷經近兩年籌備,並在教育部高教深耕計畫國際專章經費挹注下成立的「國際行政支持辦公室」於113年2月1日揭牌,活動由校長詹富智、副校長暨國際事務長周濟衆及玉山學者伊森姆教授 (Dr. Wilhelm Gruissem) 開場致詞,並於眾人見證下順利揭牌,正式為全校師生提供服務。



此外,興大首創雙語資訊平台 “ASK NCHU”,將翻譯過的國際師生常見問題與校內對應單位提供之流程與資訊,彙整建置為友善查詢介面平台。若資訊查詢後仍有疑問,師生可透過線上預約、申請諮詢服務,由「國際師生專責服務窗口」同仁協調一站式服務。目前連結已廣設於校內各行政、教學、研究等單位首頁,可提供國際師生更便捷的查詢管道 (https://iss.nchu.edu.tw/asknchu-ch/)。


To promote internationalization and create a friendly bilingual campus environment, National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), after nearly two years of preparation and with support from the Ministry of Education’s Higher Education Sprout Project, has officially launched the “Office of International Administrative Support” (OIAS) on February 1st, 2024. The event began with opening remarks from President Fuh-Jyh Jan, Senior Vice President for International Affairs Chi-Chung Chou, and Yushan Fellow Dr. Wilhelm Gruissem. This was followed by a successful unveiling ceremony, officially inaugurating services for the entire university community.

The “Office of International Administrative Support” (OIAS), a university-level cross-departmental task force, aims to integrate and establish cross-departmental communication mechanisms and build a comprehensive system for international administrative support. This encompasses the “International Students and Scholar Services” (ISSS) and the “English-speaking Service Contact”, providing international faculty and students with one-stop services and a bilingual information platform.

In its initial phase, 13 seed personnel from primary administrative units have been recruited as the “English-speaking Service Contact.” They are currently undergoing training in international competencies, communication skills, and cultural literacy to enhance the quality of international administrative services. Simultaneously, the “International Students and Scholar Services” (ISSS) have been actively engaging in integrating and translating essential information, as well as collaborating closely with the English-speaking Service Contacts to provide seamless services, effectively addressing administrative challenges encountered by international faculty and students due to unfamiliarity with departmental operations or language barriers.

Furthermore, NCHU has pioneered a user-friendly bilingual information platform called “ASK NCHU,” which compiles translated common queries related to international faculty and students, along with procedures and information provided by corresponding administrative departments. In the case of unsolved issues, international faculty and students can book appointments online for one-stop consultation services coordinated by the International Students and Scholar Services (ISSS). The platform link is now prominently featured on the homepages of various administrative, academic, and research units within the university (https://iss.nchu.edu.tw/asknchu-en/), making it more accessible for the international community.

With the establishment of the Office of International Administrative Support, NCHU achieves a significant milestone in its pursuit of internationalization. The university has systematically implemented measures, including unifying the English names of internal units, installing bilingual signage across the campus, and improving the university’s English website. These initiatives are designed to create a welcoming environment for international faculty and students, contributing to a happy and inclusive campus atmosphere.

NCHU Officially Launches the Office of International Administrative Support to Upgrade Services for International Faculty and Students

NCHU Officially Launches the Office of International Administrative Support to Upgrade Services for International Faculty and Students

左至右:張嘉玲前國際長、玉山學者Dr. Wilhelm Gruissem、詹富智校長、周濟眾副校長兼國際長、張玉芳教務長

NCHU Officially Launches the Office of International Administrative Support to Upgrade Services for International Faculty and Students

左至右:張嘉玲前國際長、玉山學者Dr. Wilhelm Gruissem、詹富智校長、周濟眾副校長兼國際長、張玉芳教務長

Group photo 揭牌儀式大合影

More: Link 參考連結