Campus Life
[Student Testimonials] NCHU Healthcare Facilities
Salman Akram from Pakistan, Veterinary Medicines, College of Veterinary Medicine

[Student Testimonials] Immersed in Taiwan: Experiments, Experiences, and Friendships
Nguyen Ha Phuong from Vietnam, Food Science and Biotechnology, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

[Student Testimonials] A DORM AWAY FROM HOME
Nguyen Thi Huong Giang from Vietnam, Marketing , College of Management

[Student Testimonials] One Year Abroad-Real Experiences
VO THI THANH THUY from Vietnam, Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering

[Student Testimonials] Taichung in A Nutshell
Abdika Mahmudah from Indonesia, Soil and Environmental Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

[Student Testimonials] Cafeteria Chronicles: A Culinary Journey
Muhammad Bilhaq Ashlah from Indonesia, Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

[Student Testimonials] Welcome to NCHU Your Journey Begins Here
Anisa Fitri Santosa from Indonesia, Bio-industrial Mechatronics Engineering, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

[Student Testimonials] A Mom as A Student at NCHU
Ayu Oshin Yap Sinaga from Indonesia, Horticulture, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources