
Health Examination Subsidy

Quota-based faculty members, civil servants, technicians, and custodians over the age of 40 are eligible for the health examination subsidy every other year.

Faculty Evaluations

Each top-level unit will receive requests via official letter to conduct evaluations of its faculty members and report the evaluation results to the Personnel Department and the University.

Labor Insurance

To file a labor insurance claim, download and fill out the appropriate form on the Bureau of Labor Insurance website and submit it to the Personnel Department, which will review the form and attach a seal of approval.

Taichung’s Geography and Climate

Taichung City is located in the heart of Taiwan and serves as an important hub of transportation for people traveling between the northern and southern parts of the island. The weather here is mostly sunny throughout the year. With an average temperature of 23.3 °C (73.9 °F), it has been named Taiwan’s most livable city. July–August are the warmest months and January–February are the coolest. During daytime, the temperature is always warm (and sometimes hot), even in the winter. However, at night in winter, temperatures can drop significantly.

Safety (Smoking/Drinking Laws and Scams)

The minimum legal age for drinking and smoking is 20 in Taiwan, and driving under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited by law. Furthermore, cigarettes and alcoholic beverages are prohibited throughout NCHU.Many international students have fallen victim to scam calls, which are prevalent in Taiwan. As a reminder, do not provide any personal information such as your bank account number, online banking login credentials, date of birth, and even the romanized spelling of your name, as such information can be used to gain control of your bank account. When you receive a call from an unknown caller who claims to be a government, telecom, or bank employee, do not answer any questions or listen to their orders. Your best course of action is to hang up immediately, or ask for their number and report it to the 165 Antifraud Hotline (reachable by cellphones) to see if it is indeed a scam call.

International Collaboration Resources:Overseas Recruitment

NCHU offers a wide range of programs for international students. Whether you are seeking a degree, joint degree, or just an exchange experience, we’ve got you covered. Just note that the application procedures and tuition will vary depending on students’ status. If you do not qualify for a tuition waiver, we provide many scholarships to support your learning journey here at NCHU. For more information, please visit the NCHU Office of International Affairs website.

Work Permits for International Faculty Members

International faculty members are required to submit a scanned copy of their highest diploma and passport information page (passport must be valid) and an electronic copy of their headshot to the responsible person of their respective department so that the University can request a work permit from the Ministry of Education for such them. If approved, the hiring academic unit must assist the faculty member with securing a visa and alien residence certificate. Please note that visa requirements may vary for individuals of different nationalities, and it is recommended that each unit’s responsible person first consult with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as to whether a prospective faculty member is eligible for a visa. This applies to the appointment of all international full-/part-time faculty members, project faculty members, Ministry of Education Yushan Scholars, and visiting personnel.

NCHU-Funded Grants:Book and Instrument Grant

1. In principle, each full-time faculty member of the University may receive the grant up to three times in their first 10 years of employment.

2. This grant is intended only for the procurement of instruments, books, and electronic resources. faculty member must first attempt to secure funding from external sources (such as the Ministry of Education, National Science and Technology Council, Council of Agriculture, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Economic Affairs) before they apply for this grant.

3. In principle, faculty member that have requested full funding from external agencies but are subsequently granted only partial funding will be given priority. The grant amount may not exceed NT$500,000 or the amount of funding provided by the external agency, whichever is smaller.

NCHU-Funded Grants:Academic Development Grant

1. Pursuant to the NCHU Directives for the Management of Revenues and Expenditures from Industry-Academia Collaboration Projects, the purpose of this grant is to enhance the quality of research and the University’s general development.

2. The following units and individuals are eligible for the grant:

1) NCHU units organizing an international or national scholarly conference

2) Organizers of scholarly activities that are attended by NCHU faculty members and students and/or individuals not affiliated with the University

3) International experts/scholars who are engaged in academic research at the University

4) NCHU faculty members whose papers are accepted by a scholarly journal

5) NCHU faculty members and students who are going abroad to present research findings, give lectures, or participate in academic exchanges

6) Organizers of training workshops for faculty members and students from NCHU and foreign academic institutions

NCHU-Funded Grants:Outstanding Academic Performance Grant

1. Eligibility: NCHU faculty members who have had their writings (including papers in SCIE-/SSCI-/A&HCI-indexed journals and academic books and book chapters) officially published or cited in the previous calendar year are eligible to apply.

2. Application deadline: Around March each year; exact dates to be announced by the Office of Research and Development.

3. Application method: Please fill out the online application form on the NCHU R&D Portal, print out the application form, have it signed by your supervisor, and submit it to the Academic Development Division, Office of Research and Development.

4. Results will be announced following a review process in June.