
Graduate Student Scholarship and Student Aid

* Graduate students may be entitled to scholarships or student aid:

1. Scholarships are awarded to new and current students who demonstrate outstanding academic or research performance.

2. The following types of graduate students are entitled to student aid:

1) Students who serve as teaching assistants and who actually perform teaching duties are entitled to student aids pursuant to the NCHU Guidelines for Recruitment and Selection Labor-based Teaching Assistants.

2) Students who serve as part-time, labor-type administrative assistants are entitled to student aids in accordance with Article 8 herein.

* Scholarship and student aid payments begin in August for current students (September for new students) and end in July of the following year. The scholarship and student aid amount may be adjusted by each department, graduate institute, and degree program on a monthly basis.

* Each department, graduate institute, and degree program formulates its own scholarship and student aid review regulations, based on which a committee is established to review matters related to the application for and allocation of scholarship and student aid in the department, graduate institute, or degree program.

Student Buddy Program for International Students

The Student Buddy Program is organized by the University’s International Pioneer Club, which matches international students with locals who can help them learn about Taiwanese culture and adapt to life in Taiwan. The program plays an important role in promoting cultural and language exchange and provides a unique opportunity for international and local students to make new friends and expand their horizons.

Student Merits and Penalties

* There are six types of student award: honorary merit, minor merit, major merit, certificate of appreciation, medal, and prize money.
* There are seven types of student penalty: written warning, censure, minor demerit, major demerit, probation, expulsion, and revocation of academic standing.
* Course instructors and other relevant units may recommend a student award or penalty to the NCHU President for approval, but must cite the applicable regulations for said award/penalty and must do so in accordance with the applicable procedures.
* The procedures for the issuance of student awards and penalties are as follows:
1. Honorary/minor merits, censures, and minor demerits may be recommended by course instructors and other relevant units by providing the necessary supporting documents.
2. Major merits (or greater awards) and major demerits (or more severe penalties) require review and passage by the Student Reward and Disciplinary Committee, approval by the NCHU President, and promulgation by the University.
3. When reviewing major awards and penalties, the Student Reward and Disciplinary Committee will request the involved academic units, directors, academic advisors, and other related personnel to attend its meeting. The student(s) in question must also be provided with an opportunity to make a statement or counterargument.
4. The official document for each student award and penalty must clearly indicate the award/penalty being issued, the associated facts, the reason for the award/penalty, and the method, deadline, and competent authority for appeals.
5. Students’ parents or legal guardians will be notified in the event of a major merit or demerit.
* Students’ award and penalty records may not be cleared so long as they remain enrolled. However, first time offenders who are issued a minor demerit (or less severe penalty) may apply to have the penalty erased from their record. The guidelines for doing so are to be formulated separately.
* Award and penalty records remain in effect for students who apply to reinstate their student status after a temporary suspension of studies.

Information for Muslims

The University provides dedicated prayer rooms for Muslim students and faculty members. There is also a Muslim Student Association on campus where members will gladly help you navigate life in Taiwan as a Muslim.


A solemn yet intimate occasion, each year, the University’s commencement ceremony is based on the NCHU motto–integrity, austerity, refinement, and diligence–which has inspired generations of graduates to serve their community and give back to society. Through the commencement ceremony, we hope to strengthen graduates’ ties with their teachers and alma mater, bless them with wonderful memories and best wishes, and launch them towards their goals in life.

Student Assessment

Please upload students’ grades here. A user guide and the applicable regulations are provided for reference.

Subsidies for All-English Courses and Programs

As part of its globalization initiative to attract more international students and help students cultivate an international perspective, NCHU provides subsidies to encourage academic units to offer all-English courses and programs.Applicable to:

1. Fully English-taught degree programs, departments, and graduate institutes

2. Fully English-taught credit programs

3. English-taught core subject courses and general education courses offered to students in fully English-taught programs

4. English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP), English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP), and English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) courses that meet the NCHU Standards for the Recognition of English-Taught Courses

5. Fully English-taught subject groups approved by a task force composed of the Vice President for International Affairs (convener), Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the dean of each college

Teaching Assistants for University and College level Courses

To improve teaching quality, motivate students, and cultivate outstanding teaching assistants, NCHU offers funding for TAs in University-level general education courses and college-level (including inter-college) general core courses for undergraduate programs. The roles of the TAs include leading group discussions, explaining how to solve practice problems and conducting experiments. Each semester, NCHU selects the best TAs from the university and college level courses and awards them for outstanding performance.