
NCHU-Funded Grants:Book and Instrument Grant

1. In principle, each full-time faculty member of the University may receive the grant up to three times in their first 10 years of employment.

2. This grant is intended only for the procurement of instruments, books, and electronic resources. faculty member must first attempt to secure funding from external sources (such as the Ministry of Education, National Science and Technology Council, Council of Agriculture, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Economic Affairs) before they apply for this grant.

3. In principle, faculty member that have requested full funding from external agencies but are subsequently granted only partial funding will be given priority. The grant amount may not exceed NT$500,000 or the amount of funding provided by the external agency, whichever is smaller.

NCHU-Funded Grants:Academic Development Grant

1. Pursuant to the NCHU Directives for the Management of Revenues and Expenditures from Industry-Academia Collaboration Projects, the purpose of this grant is to enhance the quality of research and the University’s general development.

2. The following units and individuals are eligible for the grant:

1) NCHU units organizing an international or national scholarly conference

2) Organizers of scholarly activities that are attended by NCHU faculty members and students and/or individuals not affiliated with the University

3) International experts/scholars who are engaged in academic research at the University

4) NCHU faculty members whose papers are accepted by a scholarly journal

5) NCHU faculty members and students who are going abroad to present research findings, give lectures, or participate in academic exchanges

6) Organizers of training workshops for faculty members and students from NCHU and foreign academic institutions

NCHU-Funded Grants:Outstanding Academic Performance Grant

1. Eligibility: NCHU faculty members who have had their writings (including papers in SCIE-/SSCI-/A&HCI-indexed journals and academic books and book chapters) officially published or cited in the previous calendar year are eligible to apply.

2. Application deadline: Around March each year; exact dates to be announced by the Office of Research and Development.

3. Application method: Please fill out the online application form on the NCHU R&D Portal, print out the application form, have it signed by your supervisor, and submit it to the Academic Development Division, Office of Research and Development.

4. Results will be announced following a review process in June.

NCHU Intranet: R&D Portal

1. Introduction: To access the R&D portal, sign in with your credentials via the NCHU Single Sign-On Service.

1) The NCHU R&D portal is designed to provide a comprehensive record of faculty members’ research, teaching, and service achievements and to facilitate the faculty evaluation process by enabling real-time access to detailed faculty profiles.

2) The portal is intended to integrate faculty members’ academic and research achievements with the University’s academic development plans.

3) Faculty members can export their research portfolio directly from the portal.

4) Academic units can export accurate performance statistics from the portal if their faculty profiles are complete.

5) Applications for academic research performance incentives and grants must be submitted through the portal.

2. First-time users of the portal are required to select their field of expertise on the “profile maintenance” page before being allowed access to the portal.

3. We recommend using Google Chrome to access the portal. Navigate to the NCHU homepage, click or tap on “Single Sign On” from the menu bar, log in with your credentials, and select “R&D Portal.”

Opening a Designated Direct Deposit Account–International Faculty Members

When reporting for work, International faculty members (including postdoctoral research fellows) are required to open an account with either Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. or Bank SinoPac and provide their account information to the Cashier Division.

To open an account, please have the following documents ready:

1. Alien residence certificate or passport

2. Letter of appointment

3. Personal seal

Please provide the Cashier Division with your account information after opening the account.

Opening a Designated Direct Deposit Account–International Students

During enrollment, international students are required to open an account with a local bank and register their account information via the Student Account Registration System.To open an account, please have the following documents ready:

1. Alien residence certificate or passport

2. Admission letter

3. Personal seal

Student Research Paper Award

Currently enrolled NCHU students who have had academic papers published under the auspices of the University are eligible.

Applicants must be the first or corresponding author of the thesis.The thesis must be a full academic journal article published in SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded), SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index), or A&HCI (Art & Humanities Citation Index).

Please submit a photocopy of the published paper as it appears in the journal (or a copy of the final draft along with the proof of acceptance/publication), obtain the signature of your advisor, and submit the application to the head of your department, the dean of your college, and the Chief of the Student Life Division for approval.

Requesting a Leave of Absence

1. Enrolled students who are unable to appear in class must request a leave of absence in accordance with the NCHU Regulations Governing Student Leave Requests.
2. Students may submit a leave request in writing or via the online system, with the preferred method determined by each course instructor.
3. Approval of leave requests:
1–2 days: approval by course instructor
3–5 days: approval by course instructor and academic advisor
6–15 days: approval by course instructor, academic advisor, and department head
16 days or more: approval by course instructor, academic advisor, department head, Vice President for Student Affairs, and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Student Group Insurance

1. Students who are injured in an accident or hospitalized for treatment of an illness may file a student group insurance claim.

2. Eligibility: students with official NCHU student status or who are currently on a leave of absence are eligible as long as they continue to pay the necessary insurance premiums.

3. Deadline: claims must be submitted within 2 years of the incident.

4. Required documents:

1) An application form and a letter of consent for the insurance company’s inquiries

2) A certificate of diagnosis (original copy preferred, or photocopy with the official seal of the medical institution)

3) Medical bill receipt (original copy preferred, or photocopy with the official seal of the medical institution)

4) A photocopy of your passbook cover (with the account holder, branch number, and account number clearly legible)

5) For claims involving bone fractures, a copy of the X-ray image is required.

Financial Aid for Student Living Expenses

Students may receive financial aid for student living expenses in exchange for teaching assistantships, campus environment maintenance, social services, and other service learning activities that are conducive to public and social welfare.