
NCHU Press – Regulations and Application Guide

Founded in 2012, the National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) Press publishes works by NCHU faculty and students. By specializing in publishing academic monographs and scholarly journals, the NCHU Press promotes the production of scholarly works and strengthens the reputation of NCHU as a research university.

NCHU Library—Multimedia Center

To support faculty members’ and students’ teaching, research, learning, coursework, and recreational needs, the NCHU Library Multimedia Center has a wide collection of audiovisual media, tabletop games, and scientific exploration materials produced in Taiwan and abroad featuring educational and informative contents. The center also offers well-equipped spaces for faculties and students to use. The “Media Maker Space” is a public multimedia platform that supports mobile phones, desktops, and tablet computers. It provides open workspaces and discussion communities to allow readers to exchange ideas on audiovisual creations.

International Admissions

NCHU offers a variety of fully English-taught programs and 100+ degree programs (including undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs) for international students who wish to study in Taiwan. Application procedures, tuition standards, and available programs vary depending on student status. If you are interested in any of NCHU’s international degree programs, please visit the Office of International Affairs website for more details, including application deadlines, eligibility, tuition and fees, accommodations, and information on how to apply.

Scholarships for International Students

The Taiwanese Government offers a variety of scholarships for international students. Please direct your inquiries to the Taiwan consular office in your home country. The University offers the NCHU International Scholarship, a one-year scholarship available to both new and current students. Semesterly teaching assistant stipends are also available to graduate students who serve concurrently as teaching assistants.

Student Visas

International students must obtain an alien resident visa at the Taiwan consular office in your home country before entering Taiwan. You must then apply for an alien resident certificate (ARC) on the (Ministry of the Interior) National Immigration Agency website within 15 days of your arrival. Regular international students should be able to obtain an ARC that is valid for anywhere from 1 to 3 years, which may be renewed upon expiry.

Work Permit (for international students)

International students who wish to work in Taiwan (including in NCHU laboratories) for additional income must apply for a work permit. Once all tuition and fees are paid for the semester, students may apply online for a work permit valid for 6 months. Each student may work up to 20 hours per week (excluding summer/winter vacation). Violators’ permits will be revoked.

Externally-funded research projects—NSTC research projects

1.  All principal investigators and co-investigators must be quota-based, full-time personnel of the University.

2. The three types of research projects are as follows:

  • General research projects: The application period is in November–December each year. Exact dates will be announced by the NSTC.
  • New personnel research projects: Projects led by a domestic/international teacher or researcher who has fewer than five years of teaching/research experience or who has graduated with a doctoral degree in the past five years are eligible. Applications for such projects should be made upon the initial appointment date or within three years of the conferral of the doctoral degree and will be reviewed on an ad hoc basis. Limit one project per person.
  • Call-for-proposal projects: Please refer to announcements made by the NSTC.

3. Virement under an same approved budget may be processed in accordance with applicable regulations based on actual needs.

4. All principal investigators and researchers must complete at least six hours of academic ethics training.

Externally-funded research projects—NSTC Visiting Personnel Recruitment Project

Applicants must be teaching/research staff or first-level administrators at the University (including principal investigators of NSTC-funded projects).

  • The three types of recipients are:
  1. Chair professors: Including Distinguished Chair Professors and Chair Professors (limited to international science and technology personnel)
  2. Visiting scholars (limited to international science and technology personnel)
  3. Doctoral level researchers: Exceptional domestic or international science and technology personnel holding a doctoral degree
  • Application time frame: Applications are reviewed as they are received, but should be submitted one month before the initial date of appointment.
  • Application method: Please apply online via the NSTC’s Academic Research and Development Service Portal.
  1. Chair professors and visiting personnel: Recommended by the University following an internal review and approval process
  2. Doctoral level researchers:

1) Those participating in an NSTC project: Applications may be submitted together with the NSTC project application, or separately following approval of the NSTC project.

2) Those participating in an NCHU self-funded project or in charge of technology management: Applications may be submitted separately to the NSTC.

  • Funding period:
  1. Chair professors: 1 month–1 year per term
  2. Visiting personnel: 3 months–1 year per term
  3. Doctoral level researchers: 3 months–1 year per term
  • Funding items: Teaching and research expenses, airline tickets, insurance premiums, salary subsidies, labor insurance, separation pension, and R&D fees.
  • Case conclusion and account settlement:
  1. Applicants shall upload a work report to the NSTC system within two months of the project’s conclusion.
  2. The University shall process the final account settlement with the NSTC within three months of the conclusion of the project.

Externally-funded research projects—NSTC Subsidy Program for Domestic Experts and Scholars Attending International Scholarly Conferences


  1. Current teaching and research staff
  2. Postdoctoral researchers taking part in an NSTC project
  • Documents required for online applications include but are not limited to the following:
  1. Application form
  2. Proof of paper acceptance
  3. Abstract of the accepted paper
  • Applicants shall submit the application by 3 p.m. six weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The University will compile submitted applications and forward them to the NSTC by 5 p.m. the same day.
  • The subsidy is limited to one person per paper (whether presented orally or in the form of a poster). The same provisions apply to directors/supervisors of major international academic associations or editors of internationally renowned scholarly journals whose attendance is required at a conference.
  • The subsidy covers flights, conference registration, daily allowance, processing fees, and insurance premiums.
  • Only one subsidy is allowed per individual per fiscal year. Principal investigators of NSTC projects who already have an “international scholarly conference” account are ineligible to receive further subsidies.
  • Persons with a severe disability (supporting documents required) who must be accompanied by an aid in order to attend a scholarly conference may receive an additional subsidy to cover the aid’s travel expenses.
  • Conferences held in mainland China must be organized by an international academic organization (or chiefly organized by an international academic organization and co-organized by mainland China).
  • Recipients should file for reimbursement within one month of their return to Taiwan, and a conference report and account settlement form must be submitted to the NSTC’s system.

University-funded subsidies—NCHU Teaching and Research Subsidies for New Faculty Members

Only new faculty members working at the University are eligible to apply.

  • “New faculty members” refers to full-time faculty members hired by the University within the past year. With justifiable cause, those who are unable to apply within their first year at the University may do so in their second year.
  • Please submit your application to the NCHU Academic Research and Development Service Portal together with the following application documents:
  1. A short proposal (max. 10 pages; must include the project title, abstract, background, specific objectives, methodology, expected outcomes, and budget)
  2. A personal information sheet (in the NSTC-stipulated format)
  3. An itemized, approved budget issued by the external sponsoring organization(s) or proof of college/department subsidies
  4. A quote for any equipment requiring subsidization
  • Application deadline: By the first day of March, June, and September each year
  • In principle, each award recipient is entitled to up to NT$300,000 in subsidies, with the exception of researchers with outstanding performance.
  • Subsidy depletion deadline: Capital accounts are available from March 1 to October 31, while current accounts are available from March 1 to December 25.