系所名稱 Name of Department | 土木工程學系 Department of Civil Engineering |
專班名稱 Program Name | 土木工程國際專班 Civil Engineering International Program |
學制 Degree | 碩士/專班 Master |
招生國籍及名額 Nationality & Admission Quota | 馬來西亞 名額: 20人 Malaysia Quota: 20 students |
授課語言 Language of instruction | 全中文授課 All courses taught in Chinese |
共通語言能力門檻 Language proficiency – Requirements | 中文語言能力 TOCFL(華語文能力測驗):Level 2 (含)以上,聽、讀皆需達到A2 以上 TOCFL level 2 (or above) in both listening and reading. |
口/面試 Interview / Oral exam | 是 YES |
院系所提供獎學金 College/Department Scholarships | 無 None |
系所簡介 Department Introduction | 本系創立於1961年,為臺灣中部地區歷史最悠久公立大學土木工程學系,教學及研究環境皆相當完備,並通過中華工程教育學會「工程及科技教育認證」,畢業生將於華盛頓協定(Washington Accord)會員所在地區享有與當地通過認證系所畢業生同樣的權益。此外,本系亦致力於國際化以培養學生之國際觀,與國際多所校系簽訂合作備忘錄、協議書以及各種雙聯學位計畫。本系教育目標以培育兼顧理論與實作能力之土木工程及科技人才,使其具有團隊合作及多領域整合能力、專業倫理、國際觀及終生學習精神,並強化學生之土木防災及永續工程教育。 The Department was established in 1961 and is the oldest public university civil engineering department in the central region of Taiwan. The teaching and research environments are well-equipped, and it has been accredited by the Institute of Engineering Education, Taiwan, R.O.C. (IEET) for Engineering and Technological Education Accreditation. Graduates will enjoy the same privileges as graduates from accredited programs in regions belonging to the Washington Accord. Additionally, the Department is committed to cultivate students’ global awareness. It has signed memorandums of understanding, agreements, and various dual-degree programs with numerous international institutions. The educational objectives of the Department aim to cultivate civil engineering and technology professionals who possess both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. These professionals are equipped with teamwork and interdisciplinary integration abilities, professional ethics, international perspectives, and a lifelong learning spirit. The Department also emphasizes education in civil disaster prevention and sustainable engineering for its students. |
課程設計 Curriculum Planning | 課程包括土木工程特論、碩士論文、企業實習以及符合本系四大學術分組 (1. 結構工程、2. 水利工程、3. 大地工程、4. 測量工程) 開設之各專業選修課程。 The Department of Civil Engineering integrates education, research and professional service in areas related to civil infrastructures. The courses and research interests of the department are divided into the following four major fields: 1. Structural Engineering, 2. Hydraulic Engineering, 3. Geotechnical Engineering, and 4. Surveying and Geomatics. |
畢業應修學分數及條件(依學位授予法及學校學則相關規範辦理) Graduation Requirement (In accordance with the University Act, Degree Conferral Act and other applicable regulations) | 基本要求:依學位授予法及學校學則相關規範辦理 包括 1. 必修:15學分,包括:土木工程特論(3學分)、碩士論文(6學分)、企業實習(6學分)。 2. 選修:15學分。 3. 畢業學分數:30學分。 In accordance with the University Act, Degree Conferral Act and other applicable regulations, the basic graduation requirements are as follows: Total graduation credits: 15, including Introduction to Advanced Civil Engineering (3 credits); Thesis (6 credits); Civil Engineering Practice-Intern (6 credits) Elective course credits: 15 Total graduation credits: 30 |
畢業生未來發展 Future Map | 學生畢業後能留臺發展就業。 Students can stay in Taiwan for employment after graduation. |
網址 Website | https://www.ce.nchu.edu.tw/index.asp |
聯絡窗口 Contact | Title:行政辦事員 Coordinator Name:劉元卉Ms. Liu Email: yhliu1253@dragon.nchu.edu.tw TEL :+886-4- 22840437#223 |
其他說明 Additional notes | 合作企業participating company 亞昕國際開發股份有限公司YeaShin International Development 提供國際專班學生畢業後正式職缺共20個名額,及每位學生於專班就學期間生活津貼每人每月新台幣12,500,但延修期間除外。 The participating company will provide a monthly stipend ($12,500 NTD) for each admitted student during the two years of study in the Master program and a full-time position (20 positions in total) for each student who completes the program in two years. |